Sunday, March 29, 2009


im starting to get a little teensy eensy bit worried.
here is my cause for concern: there is a fine line between superstardom and anonymity, and Drake is straddling that line with the balance of Michelle Kwan on an ice rink. but with So Far Gone as his triple axel into the limelight, im worried that just a lil bit of his pizzazz will be lost on MTV.

ill compare him to a diamond. diamonds wouldn't be all that tight if everyone had one. you feel me? im not trying to hear Best I Ever Had on the tail end of I Kissed a Girl on 94.9. or the November 18th Soulja Boy remix.

i gotta tip my hat to mr. aubrey graham and wish him great success, but let's let the rest of the world remember him as paralyzed-cuz-they-hadda-shoot-the-black-guy jimmy on degrassi (because between you and me, we both know his talent has no handicap). deal?

mum's the word.

p.s. weezy: get him off your tour!

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