Friday, September 11, 2009

me gusta

i like:

basketball shorts with pockets, people who actually care about your answer to "how are you?," set by hairplay (curlyhairsavior), the sound of walking on gravel-y dirt with sneakers on, driving stick, rap with a sung chorus, every show on the discovery channel, any show that is deadliest catch-esque, funky v-necks, sleeping with no top sheet, little lamps instead of bright overhead lighting, skull candy headphones, burgundy, the tri-tone iphone text message jingle, albums where everysinglesong is more dope than the last, public transportation, hand-written notes, cutoff sweatpants, trey songz "ready," communitychannel (youtube), cars with bass, sleeping nakey, bagel with cream cheese and jelly, slightly stoopid, jemimah, urban looking sneakers, kitchens with an island, her, her, her, him, her, him, her, epiphanies, and you.
