Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Internet Casanova

Beware: People on internet may not be as clever as they appear.

Now, when i say "people", i mean me. As i was reading over my blog (and wondering why i come off as absurdly emotional) i couldn't help but notice that my way with words in person would lead one to believe that i would write much like a babbling 13 year old with a st-st-stutter.

when i am behind my computer, time is on my side. i can rearrange my commas, thoughts, clauses, ideas...without the computer giving me that squinty look i get when someone (everyone) can't understand what the hell i am trying to say.

so i guess what im trying to say is. give me a little sympathy? im fully aware of the metaphorical blood clot that must exist between my thoughts and my mouth. but know that the path from my brain to my fingertips is crystal clear - equipped with mood enhancing font choices, quiet (parenthesis), and timely punctuation.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hands & Feet

If you hold my hand
I'll show you the path
My path
If you let me lead
I will always follow
Take a trip down my lane
to know what I've known
Discover what I have not
New eyes
Careful perspective
Put your hand in mine
I'll hold it tenderly
Feel the pulse that determines
My path
Your path
Seemingly different
Knowingly the same
For you are me
and I am you
He is she
Up is down
Love is life
I am alive
You are alive
We are in love.

What keeps my feet moving?
My heart beating...
My soul living?
It seems as though
I can never get up
without tasting dirt in my mouth
My knees bloody
My palms sweating
My mind wandering, wondering
when it will find the one
The one that will stay
I promise I'll never leave.